El trabajo artístico de daniela se inspira por la conexión entre seres, entre personas, lugares, especies. ¿Cómo nos relacionamos unes con otres en tan solo un momento, compartiendo e intercambiando a través de la traducción simultánea y constante dentro y fuera del espacio? Siendo quiltrx (chilene-estadounidense mestize, no binarie), abriga los espacios donde el significado se cristaliza y se co-crea con cariño. Donde las lenguas se unen y los ríos se bifurcan. Su trabajo y pedagogía transdisciplinarios combinan los procesos tradicionales de los artes del libro con la confrontación sociopolítica-ambiental, a menudo a través de coordinar intervenciones de impresión analógica pública. Centra espacios cuir y formas ancestrales de conocimiento para facilitar la conexión más allá de las fronteras a través de una variedad de formas: poesía concreta, educación comunitaria de artes de libros y proyectos colaborativos en serie para un sitio particular.

En el pasado, co-fundó iniciativas tales como Poetry Salon Broadside Project, un serie de economía de regalo a través la impresión y la poesía subrayando la obra de escritores cuir/trans + de color; y letra chueca press, un proyecto spanglish explorando la identidad transfronteriza y las prácticas de imprimir en la comunidad latina. Sus grabados se han exhibido en La Feria del Libro Artístico en Los Angeles, La Fundación de Poesía en Chicago, El Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Parque Forestal en Santiago de Chile, El Museo Textil en Blönduós, Islandia, La Universidad de Puget Sound y por todo el noroeste del Pacífico. daniela recibió el Golden Spot Award en Caldera Arts (2018), la financiación de gotxs :: antojos sureños [una exposición de artes gráficas sudamericanas + tradiciones gastronómicas] a través del RACC en 2019, así como la iniciativa Support Beam 2020. Tiene un BFA en Literatura Latinoamericana de Lewis & Clark College y actualmente está entrando al programa de MFA en la Universidad de Nuevo México en Arte y Ecología.

daniela’s work is inspired by inter-being connection, across people, across places, across species. How do we relate to one another in a moment—share and exchange through simultaneous and constant translation in and out of space? Being quiltrx (mixed race chilean, nonbinary), they hold the spaces where meaning crystallizes and is co-created dearly. Where tongues bridge and rivers fork. Their transdisciplinary work and pedagogy blends traditional book arts processes with sociopolitical-environmental confrontation, often through staging public printing interventions. They center queer spaces and ancestral ways of knowing to facilitate connection beyond borders in a variety of forms: concrete poetry, community book arts education, and collaborative place-based serial projects.

In the past, they co-founded initiatives such as the Poetry Salon Broadside Project, a print and poetry gift economy series highlighting QT /+ BIPOC writers and letra chueca press, a spanglish project exploring transborder identity and Latine community printing practices. Their prints have been shown at The LA Art Book Fair, the Poetry Foundation in Chicago, El Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Parque Forestal en Santiago de Chile, The Textile Museum in Blönduós, Iceland, The University of Puget Sound, and throughout the Pacific Northwest. daniela is the recipient of Golden Spot Award at Caldera Arts (2018), funding for gotxs :: antojos sureños [an exhibition of South American graphic art + food traditions] through RACC in 2019, as well as the 2020 Support Beam initiative. They hold a BFA in Latinamerican Literature from Lewis & Clark College and they are currently beginning the MFA program at the University of New Mexico in Art & Ecology.

SHORTENED BIO daniela del mar (they/them/elle) is a transdisciplinary artist and educator whose work blends traditional book arts with sociopolitical-environmental issues, often through public printing interventions. they center queer and ancestral knowledge to facilitate connection through concrete poetic forms, community book arts education, and collaboration. Being quiltrx (mixed-race chilean, trans nonbinary), they cherish the spaces where tongues bridge and rivers fork. they have co-founded projects such as the Poetry Salon Broadside Project, a printed poetry series for QT/BIPOC writers, and letra chueca press, a spanglish press on transborder identity and latine printing practices. Their work has been shown at the NY and LA Art Book Fairs, the Poetry Foundation in Chicago, El Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Parque Forestal in Santiago de Chile, The Textile Museum in Iceland, The University of Puget Sound, across Oregon, and now as a guest on Tiwa lands where they are in the MFA program in Art & Ecology at the University of New Mexico.